1396 Don Mills Rd. B107, North York, ON M3B 3N1 | (647) 955-6061
Many patients have a fear of the dentist and are looking for ways to calm down before coming in for an appointment. I know my colleagues and teams take pride in making our patients feel comfortable before, during, and after a routine cleaning or more involved procedure.
When thinking about ways to help my patients prepare for the dentist if they have dental anxiety, we came up with 7 quick tips to calm nerves before a dentist visit.
Every day I see multiple patients who have a fear of the dentist or have dental anxiety. In fact, fear of the dentist is actually very common. It’s important to inform your dental team of your concerns so we are aware and can make the process go more smoothly for you.
If you’re feeling insecure about your teeth or self-conscious, I like to remind my patients that my job isn’t to critique or judge your teeth or smile. My job is to provide high-quality care and expertise in order to treat any issues, making your mouth and teeth the healthiest they can be.
We recognize that fear of the dentist and dental anxiety is very real. In extreme cases of dental anxiety, Dental Associates offers a few forms of sedation dentistry at different locations, and your dentist can help determine if sedation dentistry is the right choice for you.
If your fear of the dentist prevents you from seeking treatment, you may see a deteriorated oral health over time. We recommend that you see your dentist as soon as possible and work with them to determine a way to provide the care you need in a way that makes you feel most comfortable.
Our team at Don River Dental prioritize patients’ oral health and want to help address in a caring way that can aid in overcoming dental anxiety and fear of the dentist. Give us a call today at 6479556061 where one of our staff members will be more than happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have prior to your appointment. We are here to offer safe, soothing dentistry.
Tel: (647) 955-6061
Fax: (416) 901-9293
Email: hello@donriverdental.com
Address: B107-1396 Don Mills Rd
North York, ON M3B 3N1